
Wednesday, feeling like Tuesday, feeling like Freezing.

According to 3 Quarks Daily, procrastination has been boiled down to a mathematical formula. Sa-weet. I knew all those times I was putting stuff off, I was only being scientific.
Huh. Doctors are planning to perform the world's first uterus transplant. Wow. I'm not even sure what else I can say about that.
I had another artistic stroke of semi-genius (or at least an itty-bitty spark of inspiration) yesterday afternoon. It's photography-related... stay tuned.
Decimating Woodsy the Owl. That's my government (and my tax dollars), hard at work. Sheesh.
Now, I love my City Pages. But I have to say, I am disappointed today. This article is biased, and paints such a one-sided world about poverty and welfare. I worked in this system for two years, and I know how hard it is to balance the bureaucracy with getting people what they need with being fair to those who are really trying and bringing people who are milking the system to justice. It totally burned me out, and permanently altered my political leanings. I think I feel a letter to the editor coming on.
More creative inspiration: a yardstick shelf. So. Cool.
Neat! City Stickers (via Fimoculous.) They are pretty damn gorgeous, if I do say so myself.
Also feeling mildly excited about the rumor that Joss Whedon is slated to direct an episode of The Office... my favorite "Ohmigod you did so just not do that/so painfully absurd I want to crawl right out of my flesh" show.
Go Fug Yourself has way too much humor to report in just one link (Thank YOU, Golden Globes.)
Better late than never... last week's Onion horoscope:
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Attempts at self-medicating with alcohol will once again fail to treat your rampant alcoholism.
(by the by, my birthday is January 19th, in case anyone doesn't already know that... squee!)

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