I'm so lame for always forgetting my camera.
But thankfully, friends don't let friends not have pictures of the birthday. Thanks, Diana!
ur‧ban /ur-buhn/ (adjective)
1.of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town.
2.living in a city.
3.characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified.
wan‧der‧lust /wahn-der-luhst/ (noun)
a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
(so, it's really all about this 20-something Minneapolitan and her ongoing quest for Essential Sarah. Interest piqued? Read on...)
if my internet didn't blow goats this post would include several more pictures featuring your spectacular birthday cleavage.
that just means you'll have to haul your camera to the Green House to upload those fine moneyshots. :)
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