
Through the mirror of my mind

I have spent the better portion of the past days documenting my young life's history. An interesting exercise, as I was instructed to document facts -- not feelings, not conclusions. In juxtaposition to everything I have done for grad school, to my natural tendency to analyze and conclude, I simply documented what was.

Most interesting to me was the sense of peace and closure stemming from simply documenting what was.

Documenting the facts comprising my existence took out any emotional charge, and pointed me to looking at my life holistically. What a wonderful healing experience. I realized while writing: none of these facts make me sad. None of it makes me angry. It just is. Bad or good, I am Sarah because of the circumstances in my life. And I embrace that, and march forward optimistically. Because eventually, any of the big events in life boil down to fact, and those facts chisel away at we blocks of humanity until we are sculpted into ourselves.

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