I was sent this survey today... and I guess I have apparently had enough memes for one life to mess with this one.
Here's the deal:
I filled this out, but instead of it being all about me, it's all song lyrics.
See if you can't figure out the songs. I'll post answers in a couple day's time.
 | All About Me Survey
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| I Am | smelling like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed. | I Want | to be sedated. | I Have | roamed through the fields, only to be with you. | I Wish | I was a little bit taller. | I Hate | everything about you. | I Fear | I have nothing to give, I have so much to lose here in this lonely place. | I Hear | noises in the darkness, I hear sadness . | I Search | myself. | I Wonder | wonder, ooh, bah doo wah oooh. Who wrote the book of love... | I Regret | that I did it like a junkie when he\'s jonzin\' | I Love | you, love you, madly. | I Ache | Someday, you will ache like I ache. | I Always | get what I want. | I Usually | do. and although i know it\'s a long road back i promise you... | I Am Not | afraid, I am not afraid, I am not afraid! | I Dance | with you sleeping in the beetle bug... | I Sing | “Get down here, dance with me. Wreck your life my way. Feel terribly clean and you’ll find the things that you say do not matter to me.” | I Never | ever, ever loved somebody, the way that I loved you. | I Rarely | wear a dress well... | I Cry | a river over you. | I Am Not Always | that way. | I Lose | my faith in you. There\'ll be nothing left for me to lose. | I'm Confused | Right now, I don’t exactly know what to choose ... | I Need | your love. Like a needle needs a vein, I need your love. | I Should | stay. Or should I go? |
| Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com |
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