
more Kerouac in my life would be good.

This is a great article about being in a relationship with your city.
It probably sounds weird. It's OK. My fellow urban-dwellers get it.

I feel much the same way about Minneapolis now as Kamiya describes in his memories of younger days in San Fransisco here. It leads me to wonder what Minneapolis and I will be like in 20 years. But for now, some prime quotes:
Eventually I realized my dream and moved there, but I still felt like I was wandering around in a place more grownup than me, and more fabled than I deserved.

Cities are archaeological digs, and the layers are made up not just of decaying objects but of memory.

But youth is nothing if not resilient. Like the irrepressible Toad, my role model at that point in life, I popped up from that humiliation to once again try my luck.

We chose this corner because it was surreal and deep and utterly urban and a secluded place to hoist a drink in Jack's memory.

But it [North Beach] follows you around. You don't lose it. It gets old with you. And the lines you see in its face, the cracks in its mythical facade, are just as beautiful as its dawn.

...where you've been a thousand times before and where you will always return, where you left your heart, and where you found it.

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