
non sequitur

* I'm listening to Ted Leo this morning. It makes me realize I am so excited for that show this spring... not, ohmigod the Hold Steady are coming, excited... but, you know what? Pretty bloody stoked.

* I'm getting runner's itch. Wait, that sounds like a medical problem. What I mean is that I'm tired of winter... and I stare at my desktop screensaver all day long, which happens to be a shot of a lush, green, warm June afternoon overlooking Calhoun into downtown. I'm beginning to long for warmer, longer, sunshiny days. It makes me want to run. I remember around this time last year, I injured myself running and slipping on ice. I'm feeling like I am about ready to take that risk again, just because I am antsy.

*Oh! I started using Google reader, with which I can just share blog entries I like (instead of blogging about them all.) Check the left-hand column, if you are interested in what I think is cool. Maybe I'm a tad presumptuous to think anyone else thinks my opinion counts. Meh.

* I got all art-y last night after Paige went to bed... played with paper, scissors and glue, drank Premium, finished the second season of Buffy. Almost called Jana at midnight to lament the woes of Buffy Summers. Reigned myself in and managed to just curl up in bed instead.

* I spent 50 hours (give or take the time I was asleep) doing trivia in St. Cloud this weekend. I have heard rumors of said braintastic exhibition for years but never knew who I could join up with to participate. It was fun, in the way a marathon is fun, in the way beating a deadline at work is fun. I was glad to sleep in my own bed. Thank heavens I normally wrack my body with caffeine, because I would otherwise I am afraid I would still be coming down from it all.

* Paige is truly turning into a kid, and it's awesome. I had a moment of pause this weekend, as we all welcomed Sanne Nordlund into the world... it made me a bit nostalgic for tiny-baby Paige. But last night, I realized how fun it is to just be on this journey with her... to watch as she started from that little tiny sprout-person, devoid of personality (for the most part; I know my child was stubborn even before she was born), coded with her features which had yet to develop. And look at her now ... still being sassy, fully communicative, adoring animals, insatiably curious, intensely sensitive to others around her. She is part me, and part others, and part just Paige and it's mind-blowing. I love being able to be the woman who watches her tackle life's challenges, and helps her, when asked to. I love being the woman she turns to when she is sad. I adore (and fear, ever so slightly) being her role model. I am honored to be the person she aims to please (her latest thing: does that make you happy?) Paige, your just being Paige makes me happy. I am thrilled for Barbara and Nathan to start their parenting journey; babies are amazing. Watching them grow into little people you get to know and love intimately... well, there aren't words for how life-altering that is.

* After I put the hem in the brown velvet dress, it'll be done. I'm quite proud of it. Then, on to the coat, which shouldn't be quite as intense. That's my to-do list for Thursday night. On the dockett for post-dress sewing: Paige's easter dress. Diana's wedding dress. Curtains for Dave. Quilting. The Booze Tote. Something for Becca's birthday. The fun never ends.

* I haven't said so lately, but I am richly blessed with people who love me. I am delighted, and humbled, to count my friends and my family members who support and love me, who encourage me when sad, who laugh with me in joy. Thank you, all.

* My sock-knitting has turned out acceptable, after all (there were some rocky patches as I learned to knit with four needles). Only problem: my first sock has a reservoir tip. Drat. Well, so be it. It looks fine on my foot (what does that say about my toes, anyway?)

* There was a fit of organization and cleaning at the House of Solidudes yesterday, on my day off. I don't know why cleaning, purging, and organizing energizes me, but it totally does. I wonder if anyone has used that as a treatment for mild depression. I mean, it works for me, anyhow. That and the feeling of, hey look, I am an adept, intelligent, superior being, that comes from successfully assembling IKEA furniture. Whee!

* Which gets me to thinking: I should purge and organize, and do some spring cleaning. Perhaps in April, when I am able to throw the sashes up and let some warm breeze in again.

* On the dessert menu tomorrow night: molten chocolate cakes with nutella mousse and raspberries. As much as I dislike Valentine's Day, I'll use any excuse to bake. (thanks to Barbara for the recipe ... she's the queen.)

1 comment:

j said...

penis toes!!!