
I tried to remember, but I said what's a flower?

...and then the snow came
we were always out shoveling
and we dropped to sleep exhausted
and we'd wake up
and it's snowing...

(Dar Williams, February, from Mortal City)

The whole city seems braced today. It's gray and windy, and depending on who you listen to, there are 8-18 inches of snow on the way. We are Minnesotans and should be able to handle this; however, we have been spoiled with little snowfall and mild temperatures and have lost our semi-arctic robustness. St. Thomas is all prepared to call off my class tomorrow; people are raiding grocery stores (we live in a large city with expensive plows and a backstock of road salt, people. this too shall pass), canceling parties, going home early, catching planes to California. OK, maybe that was just one coworker, and maybe it was a vacation he's had planned for a while.

Meanwhile, I embrace the thought of snow, in my silly Minnesotan way, the way I embrace the thought of a challenging assignment or an uphill climb on the Schwinn (though I won't be doing any uphill climbs on said Schwinn in 18 inches of white stuff). It's a good excuse to bundle in, make use of Netflix and the TV Torrents I haven't watched. It's a great reason to explore my spaetzle-making skill, for turkey-spaetzle soup. A spectacular excuse to bake bread, cookies, possibly brownies. And snuggle under big blankets. And sleep in. And drink warm cider laced with Jameson.

Bring it, old man Winter.

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