

Serendipity is my favorite word. I think it has been since the first grade.
It all started when I read this kids book... it was a Serendipity Book. Serendipity Books are an adorable little children's series that each have a little moral lesson in them.
So the Serendipity Book I fell in love with was Muffin Dragon, and the moral lesson in that one is: when we work together, there's more to share.
The whole point is to teach kids to "deal with the challenges of the world, providing them with positive solutions to difficult problems." (yah!)

At any rate... after getting this book from the library, I asked Mom what Ser-en-dip-i-ty meant. (and frankly, I thought it was real cool that it sounded so much like my name.) So we got it all defined... serendipity is essentially, finding something you didn't know you wanted or needed when you weren't looking for it (or very often, looking for something else.)

I have significant faith in serendipity. The best things I have ever had, I have stumbled upon in the midst of looking for something completely different. This holds true for me when I was 8, and now... looking a very different me at nearly 28 right in the face. I'm feeling real down today, a little discouraged about all life has thrown at me (including how many changes I have chosen to make) and how, while I consider myself a strong in an exceptional way, I am exhausted and feel weak.
But at these times, serendipity seems to work its way into my life, and I find things I'm not looking for... almost like they were looking for me.
I find comfort in odd places.
I find people who mesh with where I am, even if I'm not sure where I am.
I find contentment and peace in strange nooks and crannies of my life, even admidst the chaos.

The serendipity in my life right now is finding a place in my world that's drama-free. And finding a philosophy that living drama-free is IT. I wasn't looking for drama-free... I hadn't even thought about it, because there's a lot of turmoil right now. But what I've found are pockets of my life that now lack drama... that hour I read before I sleep. Mealtimes. Getting ready in the morning. And I can sort of sense that while its all a monkeyjumble right now, drama-free is the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm delighted by finding the unexpected while I'm looking for something entirely different. And I anxiously anticipate more serendipitousness. It's one of the greatest delights in my life.

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