
cursing intuition

I have come to be known as an intuitive person. Most days, when I am in touch with my Sarah-sense, I have a pretty good read on the pulse of the world. I know when people are happy, stressed, sick of me, exhausted with life... you know. I'm not saying I'm clairvoyant or whatever. That's just silly. What I am saying is that on every psychological or personality or social or whatever test you give me, I end up in the relationship/expressive/ emotion/sensing/other-centered categories. That's what makes me a good candidate for all this psychology stuff I do. That's what makes me good at training and especially consulting, as often I have to intuit what's "really" going on here (and then frame it up so it looks like my client came up with it. It's a fun party trick -- I'll show ya sometime.)

Well, the Sarah-sense is alive and well. I've only been wrong about a few things, and so I overall trust the Sarah-sense entirely. I employ it at work, at home (helps with the toddler-rearing), in relationships. I'm sure it can be relatively annoying for me to constantly doing the, I'm sensing something here, thing, to everyone I know... eh. That's me. Sorry.

But shoot. Shoot, I don't like when I can sense the disappointments, the changes, the icky in life. Because, like all of us, there are times when I just don't want to acknowledge that there's icky in life, I want to focus on what is good and happy and positive and uplifting. And I tend to ignore the "bad thing a-coming" intuition because I want to be positive.

I guess I need to do better at embracing the bad and the good, and realize something really wise Susan just told me: change is pain. but it's not bad. pain isn't necessarily bad, it just is.


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