

So, am I the only one out there who sometimes buys/downloads albums based on a recommendation, and then... do not initially dig the music, but come back to it at a random point in time later, and it speaks to you?

I'm having that experience this morning, listening to Bettye LaVette.

I am almost never led astray when I purchase an album recommended by The Onion's AV Club. Generally, these are my peeps, and overall we agree. So I read the review for Bettye LaVette... probably in January, as I'm scanning the "best of" lists I regularly obsess over at the end of the year/beginning of new year. And I think, well... I dig bluesy-type music. I dig excellent female vocals. And eMusic has it. So let's give it a whirl.

And I promptly download and never think about it again.

But as I'm processing through iTunes today finding something low-key Sunday to listen to, I play her disc, I've Got My Own Hell To Raise. (and well, yah. I do.)

It's real delicious, and it was perfect for this morning, as I was super-crabby and probably not the nicest person to be around (apologies to anyone who was on the receiving end of that...). A large skim moosed latte and some diva-esque blues later, I'm all kinds of better... amen and amen.

To sleepy Sundays and the blues.

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