
Preach it, Bill Maher.

I don't like to get terrifically political... really.
But, in light of life these days, I feel a bit compelled to ramble politically for just a moment.

I'll be plain: I'm a pacifist. I don't think fighting, war, killing other people is ever the answer. Go ahead and own a gun, that's fine. If you shoot something, you better be eating it and using its hide for a resourceful purpose. And please don't eat or shoot people. I think that's really pretty wrong.

Our American political climate these past 5ish years has not been one of pacifism (generally, America isn't known globally as the pacifist nation, anyhow...) and so I grow increasingly uncomfortable calling myself an American knowing that this country looks to the rest of the world to be real keen on being "the bomb people". Ew. I don't like being categorized as the bomb people.

So this article in Salon by Bill Maher totally resonated for me. Preach it, Bill.

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