
Ringo Starrship Enterprise

Even in the midst of school deadlines, myriad work deadlines, and a couple of big upheavals in routine, I find myself compelled to repeat:

I love Tuesday nights.

It's not always about trivia - though that's typically a big part of it. It was old guy trivia last night, which meant decent, challenging questions we sometimes rue but more often just relish angsting over. Picture round was "name that hat". Adele made sure the Premiums never went empty. She remembered to pass along Dave's Grolsch bottles for round two of bottling. We had a Before and After round (my personal favorite)... and it's true, when you get one (collectively, we scored 4 of 8 on the round, which is damned impressive for us), it's likely the most intellectually satisfying thing you do all day. I especially delighted in the before and after round last night being about musicians... and yah, we probably should have gotten Peter TownSend in the Clowns... but it was good to feel like we actually *had* a chance.

We got 6th. Which is mid-pack, average, nothing to write home about. Makes me feel nostalgic for last week's 2nd place victory and a 15-dollar Leaning Tower gift certificate.

Other things which made my Tuesday lovely, and less strange than I anticipated it would be:
  • A much-needed hair appointment with Jamie at her new salon in Northeast, which I love (I love it all: Jamie, the new salon, my funky new hair)
  • Competently taking the bus wherever I want to go
  • Eating Surdyk's deli food for dinner in the parking lot with Jana (ask her about the guy who rapped on her window while she had half a chicken in her lap)
  • Smart, fun new additions to the trivia team, courtesy of Joel
  • Premium. My friend and (almost constant) companion. How I love you.


Anonymous said...

Question, I have been looking for good pub/bar trivia places...Where is a good place to go?

Anonymous said...

Question, I have been looking for good pub/bar trivia places...Where is a good place to go?

Sarah said...

Hey anonymous.

I actually started a thread on this over at metroblogging ... http://minneapois.metblogs.com, because I was curious myself. I know where I go for my trivia fix, but I've heard good things about lots of places.

I'd check out the thread -- lots of input over there... http://minneapolis.metblogs.com/archives/2007/04/trivial.phtml