
... and no one was looking ...

I'm making shifty left-to-right eyes right now.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in Minneapolis actually at work. Right now.
I mean, I'm taking my lunch, but I'm still compelled to sit at my computer, in a cubicle, in an office building, in Downtown Minneapolis.

Most of my co-workers have gone off to various emergencies/appointments/vacations.
Joel and Anne took a long weekend to visit family in Milwaukee.
Jeff and Diana are in Rochester for a doctor's appointment.
Dave's done with work for the day. (at least I hope he is.)

It looks gorgeous outside; it has all week, actually. I've still been kicking butt and taking names on my to-do list (which is shrinking considerably!) but have managed to squeeze in some quality porch time between boxes and knitting and schoolwork.

The mood of the day is: Antsy.
Here's how it works itself out:

((too much coffee + anxiety + exhaustion) - readily available logical boyfriend)) x Friday = ants in my pants.
On to next week's to-do list and some more diet-caffeinated-soda.
I can do this. I can get this stuff all done.
I can do this. I can get this stuff all done.
I can do this. I can get this stuff all done.


Anonymous said...

OOH OOH! *raises hand*
You are NOT the only person in Minneapolis who is still at work. I hear you.

Boo for lack of logical boyfriend! Boo for missing out on doing the brain-dump! Yay for seeing you tomorrow. :)

Sarah said...

Hooray, Friday comeraderie!
(I highly doubt I spelled that correctly.)

As an update, my caffeine dosage has finally kicked in for the day and I feel awake.

Still antsy. But at least awake, now.