
Today is brought to you by the letter A, for...


I have long held a belief that while, yes, I get angry sometimes, there's not a lot of point in it. It doesn't change anything... it's really self-serving... and I just had a conversation yesterday about, man, if we could just point the collective anger-energy toward being proactive and working individually to create a solution -- what a differerent world I would blog about.

That said, my interest is piqued by a couple of things of note:

(Credit where credit is due time: I've been having dialogues about this with Dave and Becca, so really, this isn't my original thought so much as it is a culmination of the thought-nuggets those conversations leave in my brain.)

A great article about the politics of anger.

VW's recent ad campain popping up all over town, begging the public to drop our pursuit of misery and dare to be happy.
(see rule #1: chase your happy.)

It could be because it's 70 degrees and amazing outside today. Or because I'm in a decent place in life. Or whatever. But I like the backlash at anger.
What if we all just decided to get over ourselves? What if we stopped being pissed off and started being happy? What if we left misery by the wayside and just started digging on the good stuff already in our lives? What would happen? How would your life be different.

Today is brought to you by A for Anger. Now forget about that, get out there and chase down some happy for yourself.


j said...

i think i may have just decided that my happy is in illinois. it seemed as though it would be hard, but as it turns out the only hard thing is going to be breaking the news to my parents. you know, and possibly also that whole "law school" part.

Sarah said...


wait. as long as you don't base your law school decisions solely on my blog posts... I like to think I proffer sage advice, but I'd rather not be held responsible for anyone else's outcomes but my own.

:) Post on personal accountability forthcoming, I suppose...

j said...

ha. decision came before blog post, as i looked at apartments on chicago craigslist and suddenly sensed my incredible excitement. blog post just seemed nicely timed.