Ireland, July 2006. This was the first time I have travelled internationally. Because I didn't take the laptop (way back in July, I had lots of work to do and actually needed a break from the office), there wasn't a whole lot of blogging going on. But there are some fantastic journal entries in the little red book of old-school writing goodness. Which, may someday get posted.
My favorite moment in Ireland was wandering the streets of Galway alone on a gloriously sunny midweek afternoon. Europe was a magical place to put my existance in context of the greater world and to gauge my current and desired states. Thank you, Ireland, for changing me forever.
Can I pick just one album from this year? I will also post a soundtrack: 2006 post (I am only one woman, after all...), which will give you a better retrospective on the soundtrack to my year. For the time being, allow me to sub-categorize here:
Sentimental favoriteBook
Gomez - How We Operate
I'm not going to rehash this disc. I love Gomez, period. Instead, if you are curious as to my thoughts on this disc (at least initial impressions, as I have been digesting it for about 7 months now)... read the original review.
New, old favorite
The Hold Steady - Boys and Girls in America
Honest to God, this record is making everyone's list. And rightfully so... Franz's keyboard artistry alone makes me want to dance on a table (and I haven't drank in at least 12 hours...). Seriously, if anyone knows where I can get sheet music for Boys and Girls in America, I'd be eternally grateful. I'd even get the piano tuned to learn how to play like Franz.
Hurray for new stuff favorite
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That Is What I Am Not
I guess I'm not going to pull a NME and proclaim these guys bigger than the Beatles or whatever. Whatever.
This disc made me dance for most of the year. It's frantic and breathless and fun and bursts with energy. Yah, that's pretty much 2006 for me.
I finally got around to reading Kerouac's On the Road. (I am trying to squeeze my 20s into these last 2.5 years. Cut me a slight amount of slack; I have made great strides.)
So, of course this book wasn't published this year. But it was a great moment in my journey as a reader, and as a human. And worth noting for this year.
Can I tell you my favorite passage? Of couse I can, it's my blog.
But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'Concert
The Hold Steady shows this fall. No contest. I love these guys, and seeing them live in a sorta-hometown reunion... hell yes.
citrus and liquor, I love it when you touch each other hey whiskey, hey ginger, I come to you with rigid fingersCraft-related Resource
Local: Crafty Planet. Trish and Matt continue to expand and delight me, and fellow indie-crafters here in beautiful Minneapolis. Keep up the excellent work!
Non-Local: Craft: Magazine. The first of its kind, this is a really lovely new indie-craft magazine. They also maintain an incredible blog.
Decision Made
Reclaiming the Essential Sarah Green.
Gastronomic Experience
City Page's Iron Fork. I most certainly hope City Pages brings this event back next year. Seriously, can you think of a better way to spend a night than watching the Twin Cities' top chefs battle it out with lobster while drinking free Amstel? Because I really cannot.
Hiding Place
If I told you, it wouldn't be a hiding place anymore, would it?
Honestly... my front porch swing. (OK, not that great in December... but you know.)
Holiday Event
Halloween at the House of Solidudes.
Lesson Learned
Sarah is at least mildly cool.
Minneapolitan Outdoor Activity
Running. Especially if it happens to be around a lake. Downing a bottle of wine in broad daylight on the banks of Calhoun would have stolen this one, except Heather broke her foot, which put a damper on those festivities. And who woulda thunk I LIKE running, anyway?
Minneapolitan Indoor Activity
Little Miss Sunshine. On the basis of me, making sense of family and love this year an ongoing theme, this one just slid nicely into what 2006 meant.
Paige Moment
Mother's Day.

The worst lonliness is to not be comfortable with yourself (mark twain.)
Technological Advance
A phone with internet access. Yah, not brand-new. But new to me. And neat. And I'll be putting my SIM card back in the smart phone any day now, because frankly, I just can't live without the PDA/internet/phone in one. Touch screen be damned.
30 Rock.
Honorable mentions of goodness, which are not new to 2006:
The Office
How I Met Your Mother
Waste of Time
Uh, blogging?
Websites I just discovered
Overheard in Minneapolis
this is a lovely best of list. though i'd like to say that blogging is not a waste of time, as reading your blog entertains me at work. look at the good you're doing!
Hells yes. Halloween ftw.
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