Google Smackdown.
See what trumps what in a Google search head-to-head.
By the way, olives trump pickles in the Google world. It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you.
What's a snood, mommy?

Someone deer hunting in Wisconsin shot a 7-legged deer with both female and male reproductive organs. Honestly. The citizens of Fond Du Lac county have to stop putting out plutonium licks. Stick with the salt, people.
It's official. Americans are lazy, whiny, litigation-happy half-breeds (apparently, sweaty and slippery too). Come on, I've played the Wii. With a beer in hand! And I haven't launched the wiimote into a plate of glass. And if you know me, you know that: a) I'm not careful (ask my dad about shooting skeet.) b) I am the least graceful woman you will ever meet. If I can break it, stain it, spill it, or otherwise decimate it, I usually do. Totally accidentally. Clutziness is my karmic debt or something.
New toy alert (thank you, 89.3.)
Excuse me? I'm going to whip out a WTF? here. Of course, this is anecdotal... Of course. Because you cannot empirically prove women aren't funny. I take pride in my sense of humor. It's one of the Sarah Guiding Competencies. And I'm pretty sure it is at least part of what attracts my friends, my romantic interests... hell, even my daughter thinks I'm funny.
Furthermore, I seek funny women in my friendships. I cherish funny women in my workplace. I think funny women make the world a better place. And there are plenty of us out there. I have half a notion this article was written by a man who just got dumped by a woman who was funnier that he is...
(from 3QuarksDaily) Why I do not drink Coke (via Healthbolt).
Check out the NPR Holiday Craft Winners (via Make:).

Someone deer hunting in Wisconsin shot a 7-legged deer with both female and male reproductive organs. Honestly. The citizens of Fond Du Lac county have to stop putting out plutonium licks. Stick with the salt, people.
It's official. Americans are lazy, whiny, litigation-happy half-breeds (apparently, sweaty and slippery too). Come on, I've played the Wii. With a beer in hand! And I haven't launched the wiimote into a plate of glass. And if you know me, you know that: a) I'm not careful (ask my dad about shooting skeet.) b) I am the least graceful woman you will ever meet. If I can break it, stain it, spill it, or otherwise decimate it, I usually do. Totally accidentally. Clutziness is my karmic debt or something.
New toy alert (thank you, 89.3.)
Excuse me? I'm going to whip out a WTF? here. Of course, this is anecdotal... Of course. Because you cannot empirically prove women aren't funny. I take pride in my sense of humor. It's one of the Sarah Guiding Competencies. And I'm pretty sure it is at least part of what attracts my friends, my romantic interests... hell, even my daughter thinks I'm funny.
Furthermore, I seek funny women in my friendships. I cherish funny women in my workplace. I think funny women make the world a better place. And there are plenty of us out there. I have half a notion this article was written by a man who just got dumped by a woman who was funnier that he is...
(from 3QuarksDaily) Why I do not drink Coke (via Healthbolt).
Check out the NPR Holiday Craft Winners (via Make:).
my mother may give you a run for your money on that least graceful woman ever title; we have never been on a family vacation that didn't involve her getting horrifically bruised. last summer she and my dad went camping on the north shore to celebrate their 25th anniversary, when they returned i asked how the trip had been. "great!" she said. "i only fell twice!"
no sarcasm.
This adds fuel to the tiny little idea of starting the inelegant women anonymous support group...
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