
the beautiful game

A couple of years ago, when I was just learning about the beautiful game, I read a quote from a soccer enthusiast that went something like this:

"Soccer is one of those things that looks like a completely harmless hobby, from the outside. Then you find yourself 6 months later completely enmeshed in the culture. You wonder how you got there, and realize you wouldn't change it for the world."

I think that sums it up quite well.
If I had the time and wasn't so rusty on my music skills, I'd write a song that listed all the fabulous things I love about soccer. It would include:
The Local, for airing games and creamy hashbrowns
West Ham United (for me)
Minnesota Thunder (and the discussion board and blueskysoccer)
World Cup
Blogs like We Call It Soccer and DuNord

Makes me happy just thinking about it.

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