
chronically imperfect

"The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none."
(thomas carlyle)

this quote validates me, in a way. At work recently, I have been working on a project that is not entirely within my realm of expertise (read: I have to push myself out of my comfort zone on a regular basis on this one) -- as well as working on my thesis, which requires some extra energy and definitely an acceptance of being outside my comfort zone at fairly regular intervals.

Additionally, (and I think most of my friends can attest to it,) I am constantly calling my competency -- my characteristics -- my strengths and weaknesses into question. Not work related, necessarily -- just, am I being the Sarah I want to be (the Sarah who follows the Guiding Competencies, that is...) And I think the consensus is that, those of us who truly have a stake in the self-actualized, healthy, competent world, are the ones who are actually questioning our competencies -- our level of self-actualization.

So, I have come to realize a dichotomy of sorts this weekend (mostly, as I stressed out wondering how I could balance laundry and preschooler and father's day and careerwoman... which, turns out, the laundry is still sitting there....)
1) I am chronically imperfect. And that's probably OK -- it at least gives me an ongoing project.
2) I am better off for accepting my chronic imperfection, because it seems that acknowledging my imperfection is the first step in acheiving what I can through the chronic imperfection.

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