
steps toward a perfect monday

1) get up on time
2) enough hot water in the shower for me to do everything (including shave)
3) blow drying my hair turns out nicely
4) make up isn't scattered all over the house, so I can put it on in 5 minutes, on one level
5) put nylons on, no runs on the 1st try
6) I look skinny in the mirror
7) set the coffeepot to automatically brew the night before, so fresh java greets me downstairs
8) paige doesn't throw a temper-tantrum when I dress her, put her shoes on, put her coat on, get her cereal out
9) packed my breakfast and lunch
10) cat stays inside when I open the door
11) warm enough that I don't have to scrape frost off my car
12) paige gets in her carseat in a reasonable fashion
13) leave on time
14) traffic is light
15) remembered to pack my medicine in that handy little am/pm case (yup, I'm officially AARP-eligible)
16) got all the iPod accessories in order and am able to listen to a new playlist this morning
17) get paige dropped off without incident
18) get to work without incident
19) still look skinny in the mirror when I go to the bathroom mid-morning
20) office is blissfully slow and quiet this morning, meaning I can listen to music and work diligently and not be disturbed by co-workers to whom I am now for sure a pariah because of my impending resignation

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