

I was sitting in class tonight, thinking of things I could write other than notes on strategic planning... when I thought about this amazing thing that I have been experiencing.


define this fancy-schmancy word, will ya sgh:
[From Greek sunergi, cooperation, from sunergos, working together. See synergism.]

The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

This is my life, the zeitgeist of my days this year. More than any other time in my life (and maybe it is just because I'm really feeling well-defined in who this sgh character is), I feel like I know who I am, what I'm after, what I want, where I am going.

My work feeds my education. I apply my weekly learning in professional organizations. I can use all that stuff at home with a husband and 2-year-old and managing the chaos I call home. Then, I go back to work on Monday morning, and it still all works. I can wear funky clothes to work and it's chill -- because I'm a writer, a designer, and they expect a little oddness out of someone creative, right? I have a job where I can write -- WRITE! -- all the livelong day. That also means I can steep myself in music whenever I'm not going to be in meetings (and, frankly, when I just want to hide inside myself).

More than my professional life, though... I am excited about my personal synergy. I have emerged from college and my early career a strong, beautiful and intelligent woman. Looking back, I sort of feel like I am on the last leg of a long and personally painful journey of redefining me. I'm still on tour with this whole, who is sgh business, by the way.... but it's the last (very good, very demanding) leg of the tour. It's learning and knowing and being one with my physical self. And I've found the key to that this month, too. I simply need to integrate it (going nicely, in case you are curious) and, wonder of wonders, I feel sort of "done" in who I am.

I'm all kinds of excited. I cannot wait to sit back and enjoy the me I finally can love completely!

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