
inherently biased CD review #06332814: Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better

Really, I could have it so much better?

I think this sophomore album is just about as good as britpop gets.

There are 13 solid tracks on Franz Ferdinand's 2nd release of last week, You Could Have It So Much Better.

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Track 4: Walk Away... while this slows the normal top hat cymbol and danceable guitar rifts Franz Ferdinand just a bit, it's a good example of how my Scottish lads (ach, aye!) are not only catchy musicians, but also demonstrate some fundamental songwriting skills. " I love the sound of you, walking away, you walking away." Nicely done.

Track 7: Wait, isn't this a Beatles song? No, that's Eleanor Rigby, not Eleanor Put Your Boots On. Any way you slice it, it's great, it's different, it's refreshing. I love it.

Track 10: I'm Your Villian... This song is everything that made me fall in love with Franz Ferdinand in the first place... the energy-laced guitar, the pounding drum, those cymbals that give me an insatiable urge to to bust and iPod-esque dancing move in my cube when I hear it...

Run, do not walk, to your nearest retailer and purchase/download this CD. Franz Ferdinand is fast becoming one of the new faces of music.

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