I entered another year of twentysomething today, and for the first time in years, I am tickled. Life is good. I am Sarah, and I'm just where I want to be.
Highlights of my birthday:
- I slept in. The alarm rang at 6; the radio was playing Sunday, Bloody Sunday. Thank you, Universe, for starting my day with an old-school favorite of the band that made me fall in love with rock and roll. I just lay there in semi-consciousness, enjoying that toasty-sheet feeling, lazily drifting in and out of dreaminess, burying my face in the cool side of a down pillow, watching the sunrise seep in through the slits in my shades. I rolled out around 7ish, or so. Lingering in bed in the morning is so rarely something I get to do. It's heavenly.
- I allowed myself to take a scalding-hot, extended-time shower. Complete with shaving, a facial, grapefruit sea salt scrub, deep hair conditioning. Again... the extended-time shower is a rare occurence in a house cohabited by a preschooler with a 5-minute attention span and the Queen of Overbooking herself, then Procrastinating.
- All my favorite clothes were clean... I love love LOVE when that happens, because I get to live in all of my favorite things, all day long.
- I look the time to do my hair. Put on my makeup. In fact, I took my sweet time. Heck yah.
- Put Lily Allen on in the car. Proceeded to sing along with her. I love her accent, and her sass.
- Bought myself a birthday latte. I have either been eschewing coffee or at least buying the real cheap stuff at work (or bringing it from home), but today I treated myself. And, by the way, was delighted to learn that Caribou is now making yummy light lattes. I had a sugar-free, skim turtle latte. Hurray, and mmmm. Let's not forget strawberry yogurt for breakfast. My signature morning meal.
- I got to my computer to myriad happy birthday wishes from friends and family.
- I played my top 25 songs on my iPod. All of which are essentially favorites. And cube-danced. Heck yah.
- I got honorable mention on the Current Blog. Squee.
- My favorite foods, packed from home. Cottage cheese, fresh pineapple. A big ol' salad with all the best veggies (who can resist the allure of the cucumber, anyway?) all topped with blue cheese. Tuna and Ry-Krisp.
- Late lunch outing - net gain: (1) Pair of kickass suede black boots. (1) Pair of hipster white sunglasses (as it's bright out today, and I keep losing my non-prescription sunglasses.) (1) Brand-new manicure. (1) Really raucous set of bad car-singing with the Pipettes.
- Leaving work early.
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