
K-N-I-G-H-T-S (it's all I can remember)

I have been doing my best to resist these dumb little quizzes... but I wax nostalgic today (is it because of good wine, good conversation, and someone to watch Buffy with last night?) and after some serious reflection on high school, for whatever reason, I can't help stealing this one from Diana.

Let's travel back in time to those horror-filled years I called high school, shall we? (this is why I relate to Buffy. Living in a small-town while attending high school was a lot like living atop the hellmouth...)

Who was your best friend?
I'm going to be brutally honest about this: I never had a best friend growing up. And I didn't really have one in college, either. I was a bit of a lone wolf. I mean, I didn't lack for people to hang with - I had some really amazing friendships throughout my time there, but because I came in the 8th grade, everyone already had their best friend picked out. It was like getting picked last for kickball. Boo.
What kind of car did you drive?
That depends; what year do you want to know about? When I was 15, my auto-mechanic father bought me a 1966 Plymouth Fury. I crashed that promptly the spring I was 16 (narrowly escaping death, after trying to race a friend's boyfriend to show him girls can drive too).

Then my dad and I bought a 1962 Ford Falcon. I helped him overhaul the inline 6 engine. It was a good trusty little Maude (that was her name) ieven if she decelerated when I put the pedal to the floor up hills and even if her windshield wipers were aacuum operated, so I often had to hydroplane just so I could see the road. Safety first, baby.

When I decided to go to the cities for college, I was allowed to buy a 1989 Ford Escort named Claire. She was read and trusty and got great gas mileage and got me everywhere. I loved that car. I still saw her driving around town every once in a while a few years back... but I bet she's gone to her rest by now. Damn, I loved that car.
It’s Friday night; where were you?
If it was my weekend shift, I was at the nursing home doing rounds and sneaking cigarettes behind the kitchen with the other nursing assistants (who had kids older than I was, but taught me how to blow smoke rings anyway.)

If I wasn't working, I was probably out on a date. Or at a movie with friends. Which meant I was a half-hour from home in Alexandria, the closest thing I got to civilization during high school. Chain-smoking and drinking too much coffee at Perkins. Driving home at speeds I would be real irritated to know about now that I am a parent. Kissing boys. Or plotting to kiss boys. More often, plotting, and it never working out the way I envisioned.

And someimtes, when I got in a real funk (or was grounded), I would just sit in my room, don these killer headphones, listen to loud angry music and write angsty poetry.
Were you a party animal?
Not particularly. I mean, I took risks, I got in trouble, and I had the hardest time keeping curfew... mostly because a) I am distorangized, forgetful, and had a hard time saying no to my friends and b) my dad kept me on a pretty short leash (let's recall the movie, 10 Things I Hate About You.)

Comparatively, I was a good kid. I didn't drink (really) at all through high school. I was too scared that I would get buseted and not be able to be in band/choir/theater/tennis/etc.
Were you considered a flirt?
I would not have said so at the time; I had lots of male friends, but I didn't think I was flirty. However, being somewhat removed from that social system now, I have learned that most boys were wholly intimidated by my awesomeness. I thought I was just homely; turned out boys thought I was a hottie and they were all just too afraid to ask out a girl who was cute AND had a brain.
Ever skip school?
I think so, though memory's failing me on a specific reason why. Probably the unwritten rule of "senior skip day". I generally got out of school a lot just because I was involved in doing so much... so I didn't really feel compelled to skip when I rarely went to a full day of school anyway.
Were you a nerd?
Hell yes. I graduated top of my class. I love(d) school. And I wasn't ashamed.
Did you get suspended/expelled?
See above. I was a good student. I got into the high school hall of fame or something. Nah, I stayed completely out of trouble. I don't think I eer even went to detention.
Can you sing the fight song?
Oddly enough, I remember having two fight songs (my school merged with another school when I was a freshman...). I remember the words to the first one, but not to the 2nd. In my defense, I played the 2nd in pep band and never really sang it.

Anyway, when we were the West Central Wildcats, it was:
Oh, we are the Wildcats
And we're here to do our very best for
West Central High School
In all that we do
So come on team let's show some spirit
Jump, shout come on let's hear it
We want to bring the Wildcats home to victory.
Who was your favorite teacher?
I had a great group of high school teachers. I would call it a 3-way tie between Mr. Cochran, who taught social-studies type stuff (some of my favorite classes were Minorities, Curent Events, Post-War History and International Geopolitics...) He also coached Mock Trial, which was wicked fun. He's tied with our french teacher... why can I not remember her name? I think she died of cancer, unfortunately... if anyone out there remembers her name, loop me in. That makes me feel awful. And Mr. Zdrazil was my hero, let's be honest. He directed our plays and listened to Dylan and let us come over to his h ouse and ice-skate. And he taught me Shakespeare and showed me how to be a good writer.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Ok, how the holy hell did you get way cooler classes than I did? Even when I went to a high school that WASN'T in Iowa (which WAS 2/3 of them!), we didn't have nifty classes like that!