
Top 10 reasons I should have lunch with Diana (as quoted by Diana herself)

(1) Because, frankly, Di looks like hell today, and needs some fashion
consultation time, and motivation to stop looking and feeling as if she rolled
directly from bed to the bus.

(2) If you don't have lunch with Di, she will knit and bond with her iPod and
new CD's for an hour and a half. This is dangerous as it will inspire her to
have more music and start new and exciting craft projects. Save her checkbook!

(3) Di's kinda angsty about her family meeting her boy, and could use a good

(4) If you don't have direction on what you need to do at work, you therefore
actually have nothing to do. By having a long lunch instead of sitting at your
desk picking your nose, you are performing many valuable services, such as:
sparing your cube-mates the sight of your boogers and making them feel bad as
they are so inefficient that they have work to do, and you are so bloody good
that you do not.

(5) Support locally owned business. Have lunch at Kieran's. It's tasty, yet

(6) There are new pictures to view, and Di's real excited by them.

(7) Consider it not "lunch" but "exercise" as you will laugh so hard that your
face muscles will actually hurt.

(8) You will be doing me a favor. By having my one allowed lunch out this week
out of the way early, I won't have to worry about it for the rest of the week.

(9) In the grand scheme of things, what's more important? Di's gut, or your
job? :)

(10) C'mon. You know you want to....

well, I don't know about anyone else, but that tears it. I'm in.

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