
Santa, Baby?

A couple of saturdays ago, we made our annual trek to the Minneapolis Marshall Field's to see their holiday display and of course, visit santa.

The lines were long, and as we wove through the home department on the 5th floor, you could see the hyperactivity creep into every fiber of Paige's being. Ah well, I tell myself. She's 2 and a half... what can you do?

Finally, we get up to the holiday display line. By this time, Paige's patience has completely worn out. She's tired, hungry, and cranky. Even the pretty sparkly Cinderella display didn't wow her (though two middle-aged women without children who rudely budged through a veritable wall of toddlers to get through the display first just about got a knuckle sandwich from both me and the mom in front of me...). Finally, thankfully, Cinderella's dress enchanted her little girly self into submission and we began enjoying ourselves.

The stars seemed aligned in our favor again when the line to see Santa was half as long as it has been for the past 2 years. Moving quickly, Paige didn't cry - didn't whine - didn't drool down her dress or mess up her pigtails. Soon enough, we're face to face with Santa.

Now, this last fall, Paige has adopted a healthy fear of strangers (which secretly makes me happy. She was just a little to cosmopolitan for this mom's tastes.) So, instead of hopping on Santa's lap, she coyly sits on the little drum "seat" next to him. Then, with all the charm she can muster, she starts the following conversation:

Paige: "Santa, please Santa, please! I want real baby this year, please Santa!"
Santa: (chuckling) "Oh, I see, Paige. You'd like a dollie for Christmas."
Paige: (tsks; draws on every ounce of attitude she has available.) "No, Santa! I want REAL BABY."
Santa: (now audibly laughing) "Well, you'll have to talk with your mommy and daddy about that. Now, how about a candy cane and picture?"

At which point I can feel the blood rush to my face, ears, forehead. Thank God Santa's elf didn't get me in the picture. She couldn't have; she was giggling too hard anyway.

I just hope Paige isn't too diappointed when Santa doesn't leave a newborn under the Christmas tree Sunday morning.

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