
a penchant for the overtly innappropriate

I realize I'm not a shrinking violet, and I've made peace with that.

But I'm earning a reputation amongst my friends for being overtly inappropriate. Part of me smirks irrespressibly at the thought. The other part of me prays to God I haven't offended anyone.

(consequently, I don't tend to attract the thin-skinned, when it comes to friends... so I'm probably OK. but I still worry...)

That disclaimer in hand, look how well my friends know me.

Diana (welcome back to the Dark, ahem, Blogger side of the world, dear...) sent me this lovely article from the Onion (overtly inappropriate in and of itself).

It was an acute reminder of my days as an MFIP Tier II Employement Specialist (Career Counselor for welfare recipients).

Any of you JVS alums who read my blog will totally know what I'm talking about here. You won't comment, because that would be condoning my inappropriate ramblings about the type of job we had -- but you and I both know there are some scary grains of truth in here, some lines we totally heard on voicemail or objectively documented in a file.

1 comment:

j said...

you are delightfully inappropriate and don't let anyone tell you differently:)