I've always loved that stupid song,
To everything,
(turn, turn, turn)
There is a season...
you get it.
And while I generally speaking, prefer to not torture my blog following with personal angst (though, I have been known to do it), I have to say that I'm in the middle of the turn, turn, turn part of my life right. this. second.
turn 1: Paige was diagnosed with allergies this week. To cats, dust, wheat, and to a lesser degree, dogs. Which means I need to find new homes for Neville and Chyna. (Fred stays -- he's too old and too speecial needs for us to try and find him a new home...) It's damn hard to part with animals when you consider them members of your family. Plus I now have carpet to get rid of, wheat products to give away...like our entire existance changed with one doctor's appointment.
turn 2: I'm at the apex of school... meaning, I feel like there's 100,000 things I still need to do and yet there's so little time to get it all done. Like everything else in my life, I know that it will all come together like it's supposed to -- it always does -- but anticipating the road ahead is overwhelming.
turn 3: friends are in a state of flux... I've rekindled some old friendships, I have friends who are looking to move, I have friends who are having babies, I have friends who are getting married, I have friends who I have lost. I feel joy and loss in all of this, and those are hard emotions to reconcile, both equally valid and yet somehow diametrically opposed. I languish in the joy of setting myself free from unconstructive relationships, though I feel like I take my joy in someone else's pain; I struggle with the pain of another pregnancy that isn't mine -- even though I'm at peace with having one child.
so that's the long and short of it. Turn, turn, turn, my world ... but not so fast I cannot keep up, if you please.
1 comment:
Can't even imagine the loss of the pets Sarah. Honestly, I don't know what I would do. Thanks for your honesty in the blog. . .angst is totally great when it's real so don't even think twice about expressing it. Lots of flux is right and I thank you for sticking on my journey even though I know it's an adjustment for everyone.
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