(You'll only understand the reference if you ever watched Wonderfalls. However, you are correct. This is the kickass plastic molded lion you get for a dollar at the zoo. Bewteen DTs, the little person, and I... I just don't know who was more enamoured with it.
I'm just moving my blog to a place with a little more functionality.
(this move comes after a year or more of noodling it. Honestly, it's just time. Also, I was able to have software move all my posts for me. I'm all about the lazy.)
Please update your bookmarks!
lap of luxury
I painted Paige's finger and toenails for the very first time this evening. It reminded me of many things... of my grandma tending to my needs as a little girl, of my own frustration keeping fingernails from smudging (as a little girl, and even now... even when I pay to have them professionally painted and dried, I inherently fuck them up.)
Mostly, I feel honored to pass down all these feminine rituals to another sassy, beautiful little woman. Paige had a haircut tonight too. Gotta love it when the ladies can live in the lap of luxury from the comfort of our own living room.
oh those summer nights
I remember my mom giving me popsicles on sticky summer nights like tonight... and while Paige was chowing down on this one, I had to capture the moment. It's been a total ladies' night... and I have to say, I think it's good for the soul to just hang out at home with your progeny every now and again.
And who doesn't love Scooby-Doo macaroni and cheese for dinner. Really?
I've started to do Pitchfork warmups
(yes, I put the information into my very own spreadsheet. Why yes, I am geeking out about indie rock, thank you very much.)
hometown pride, upcoming events
Also -- it's my biased opinion that Tapes n' Tapes are the ideal Minnesota summer band. Love those guys.
(additionally, T minus one week from Pitchfork, can hardly believe it's (almost) here. So stoked to show the DTs around my 2nd-favorite city (not to mention the adventure of taking our bikes on the El) next week, spend some quality time with B, N, and Sanne, drink 312 and listen to more indie rock than I can shake a plethora of sticks at.)
God Bless America.

eat it, hallmark.
I get it, and I think it's awesome (Shark-Riding Ninjas versus Cyborg Zombie Dinosaurs in the Superbowl? Now THAT'S a compliment.)
How trouble starts.
(we're walking to breakfast. You can't see the PBR in Jana's hand. But it's there.)
room. with a view.
this photo summates the weekend. Sunshine, quality time with friends I love, south dakota countryside, frosty-cold beverages and relaxation.
Blissful, I spent last weekend's mornings waking slowly to coffee, crackling embers in last night's bonfire smoldering, gently nudging me toward consciousness. My sunny South Dakota days were brimming with amaretto-laced slushies in the pool, bumming margaritas off strangers, an iPod dock that always played the right music, and sun-kissed freckles sprinkling themselves generously across my shoulders and nose. Those days melted into summer nights, laced with fireworks and magic, laughter, dancing with close friends and strangers. I floated between intimate conversations beneath a cherry tree, lighting fireworks between century-old barns, and screaming anthem rock at the top of my lungs, gravel wedged in my yellow flip-flops, sweaty strangers and bug-spray covered lovers arm in arm.
I got on my bike this morning happy to be an urban girl, happy to live amongst the cars and the people and the bustle. But also refreshed and recharged and happy to know that I can always put on my country girl, run barefoot for days at a time, shower outside in freezing cold water, make a fire, sleep on the ground, and forego a manicure (and a hairbrush) to just enjoy living.