
thoughts on attending the theater, and moments that change your life

Another weekend passed... and now, another catatonic Monday morning has slipped into a to-do list that got longer as the day went on (no matter how productive I attempted to be) and a circadian low as I digest a stellar homemade chicken pot-pie (I would have taken a photo, they were so beautiful... but alas, the steam vents weren't suitable for public viewing. Sheesh.)

Friday night: Klosterman, Tapes n' Tapes. I love the idea of the Current's Fakebook, and there were jeweled moments in the Friday night (in spite of a migraine). But I agree with Jana's review... I wanted more smooth links between music and pop culture and local DJ goddess, and just didn't get it. Meh, well. The infused vodka at Fhimas made up for it afterward.

Saturday: Learning at St. Thomas. My capstone class is amazing. It was the first time in 10 years of post-secondary education where I didn't watch the clock. Amazing. I'm so pleased with how this degree is wrapping itself up. Kudos to St. Thomas for developing an excellent program.
Oh yah, and it snowed.
and then snowed some more.
So we crawled Lyndale in honor of Maren and her impending departure to Madison, trampling in my Rocketdogs and flake-crusted stocking cap.
I had a moment on Lyndale Saturday night, waiting for Joel and Dave to catch up so we could all find the warmth of the next pub together, where I was able to pause.
Lyndale was quiet for a Saturday night -- or anytime, really -- with the blanket of heavy snow and reduced traffic. It wasn't cold, but definitely winter, and intensely beautiful. It was heavenly to take in the city street lights, the dark fronts of galleries and apartments and local businesses. Heavy snow has this slowing, calming, muting effect, and I realized, standing there, coated in late-winter-precipitation: I am infinitely proud of being the Minnesotan girl who pub-crawls Lyndale during a blizzard, and doesn't really think twice about it. Nothing about my city scares me; it only presents interesting challenges and new adventures. And I really wouldn't want to be anywhere else, right now. La.
We ended the night with a Chicago dog and a gorgeous Belgian brew at the Bulldog.

Sunday: Brunch at Hell's Kitchen is totally worth the wait. Their Bloody Mary alone is worth heading downtown for... when else do you have an excuse to eat a delightfully seasoned shrimp, pepperocini, grape tomato, and olive for breakfast? The entire meal was amazing... baguette french toast, their porridge (I'd eat it every morning, if I could), the lacquered bacon (uh, bacon covered in cinnamon? YES!), the huevos rancheros. Awesome. It was one of those perfect moments when everything comes together.
Amazing find at Crate and Barrel... ceramic "to go" containers. Oven, microwave, dishwasher safe. One came with me for lunch today, carrying aforementioned potpie goodness. Best investment of the weekend.

We also made chocolate chip cookies, so much turkey spaetzle soup, I'm going to be feeding it to everyone I know until I retire, and a semi-failed attempt at fudge cupcakes. They turned out more like muffins. Meh. Oh -- and I reorganized the pantry, which always feels wonderful.

I was exhausted when I got up this morning. I'm more tired now that I have written it all down.
Here's to being a robust Minnesotan, and not letting a little snow slow down a stellar weekend.

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