I just remembered another reason I love the Beastie Boys (and why I'm pretty stoked Paige digs 'em, too):
They do a song on Licensed to Ill called She's Crafty.
OK, I know they aren't talking about a girl who knits, makes her boyfriend a quilt, and bakes wearing a vintage apron, but whatever. Meaning is in the ear of the interpretor.
three cheers for the shuffle
I just remembered another reason I love the Beastie Boys (and why I'm pretty stoked Paige digs 'em, too):
They do a song on Licensed to Ill called She's Crafty.
OK, I know they aren't talking about a girl who knits, makes her boyfriend a quilt, and bakes wearing a vintage apron, but whatever. Meaning is in the ear of the interpretor.
They do a song on Licensed to Ill called She's Crafty.
OK, I know they aren't talking about a girl who knits, makes her boyfriend a quilt, and bakes wearing a vintage apron, but whatever. Meaning is in the ear of the interpretor.
6 more inches. But what do they say about in like a lion?
Spring antsiness ensues at the Green House (and Green cubicle. and Greenmobile.)
Why, praytell, aside from the foot of snow 9and developing winter storm) which reminds me it's still gonna be a while til I can play in the dirt, swim in the lake, or roll down grassy hillsides again?
* Spring training games start tomorrow. Joy!
* A beautiful epistle about how to clean. Makes me want to purge junk, organize closets, and scrub my fridge out top to bottom.
* Burpee sent me a lovely brown package full of seeds yesterday. They felt marvelous... small and round and full of potential.
* I'm sick of wearing winter pants. And now that I work downtown, I see loveliness all the time in the form of spring clothing. Drat.
* I'm sewing a wedding dress which just oozes spring.
Why, praytell, aside from the foot of snow 9and developing winter storm) which reminds me it's still gonna be a while til I can play in the dirt, swim in the lake, or roll down grassy hillsides again?
* Spring training games start tomorrow. Joy!
* A beautiful epistle about how to clean. Makes me want to purge junk, organize closets, and scrub my fridge out top to bottom.
* Burpee sent me a lovely brown package full of seeds yesterday. They felt marvelous... small and round and full of potential.
* I'm sick of wearing winter pants. And now that I work downtown, I see loveliness all the time in the form of spring clothing. Drat.
* I'm sewing a wedding dress which just oozes spring.
thoughts on attending the theater, and moments that change your life
Another weekend passed... and now, another catatonic Monday morning has slipped into a to-do list that got longer as the day went on (no matter how productive I attempted to be) and a circadian low as I digest a stellar homemade chicken pot-pie (I would have taken a photo, they were so beautiful... but alas, the steam vents weren't suitable for public viewing. Sheesh.)
Friday night: Klosterman, Tapes n' Tapes. I love the idea of the Current's Fakebook, and there were jeweled moments in the Friday night (in spite of a migraine). But I agree with Jana's review... I wanted more smooth links between music and pop culture and local DJ goddess, and just didn't get it. Meh, well. The infused vodka at Fhimas made up for it afterward.
Saturday: Learning at St. Thomas. My capstone class is amazing. It was the first time in 10 years of post-secondary education where I didn't watch the clock. Amazing. I'm so pleased with how this degree is wrapping itself up. Kudos to St. Thomas for developing an excellent program.
Oh yah, and it snowed.
and then snowed some more.
So we crawled Lyndale in honor of Maren and her impending departure to Madison, trampling in my Rocketdogs and flake-crusted stocking cap.
I had a moment on Lyndale Saturday night, waiting for Joel and Dave to catch up so we could all find the warmth of the next pub together, where I was able to pause.
Lyndale was quiet for a Saturday night -- or anytime, really -- with the blanket of heavy snow and reduced traffic. It wasn't cold, but definitely winter, and intensely beautiful. It was heavenly to take in the city street lights, the dark fronts of galleries and apartments and local businesses. Heavy snow has this slowing, calming, muting effect, and I realized, standing there, coated in late-winter-precipitation: I am infinitely proud of being the Minnesotan girl who pub-crawls Lyndale during a blizzard, and doesn't really think twice about it. Nothing about my city scares me; it only presents interesting challenges and new adventures. And I really wouldn't want to be anywhere else, right now. La.
We ended the night with a Chicago dog and a gorgeous Belgian brew at the Bulldog.
Sunday: Brunch at Hell's Kitchen is totally worth the wait. Their Bloody Mary alone is worth heading downtown for... when else do you have an excuse to eat a delightfully seasoned shrimp, pepperocini, grape tomato, and olive for breakfast? The entire meal was amazing... baguette french toast, their porridge (I'd eat it every morning, if I could), the lacquered bacon (uh, bacon covered in cinnamon? YES!), the huevos rancheros. Awesome. It was one of those perfect moments when everything comes together.
Amazing find at Crate and Barrel... ceramic "to go" containers. Oven, microwave, dishwasher safe. One came with me for lunch today, carrying aforementioned potpie goodness. Best investment of the weekend.
We also made chocolate chip cookies, so much turkey spaetzle soup, I'm going to be feeding it to everyone I know until I retire, and a semi-failed attempt at fudge cupcakes. They turned out more like muffins. Meh. Oh -- and I reorganized the pantry, which always feels wonderful.
I was exhausted when I got up this morning. I'm more tired now that I have written it all down.
Here's to being a robust Minnesotan, and not letting a little snow slow down a stellar weekend.
Friday night: Klosterman, Tapes n' Tapes. I love the idea of the Current's Fakebook, and there were jeweled moments in the Friday night (in spite of a migraine). But I agree with Jana's review... I wanted more smooth links between music and pop culture and local DJ goddess, and just didn't get it. Meh, well. The infused vodka at Fhimas made up for it afterward.
Saturday: Learning at St. Thomas. My capstone class is amazing. It was the first time in 10 years of post-secondary education where I didn't watch the clock. Amazing. I'm so pleased with how this degree is wrapping itself up. Kudos to St. Thomas for developing an excellent program.
Oh yah, and it snowed.
and then snowed some more.
So we crawled Lyndale in honor of Maren and her impending departure to Madison, trampling in my Rocketdogs and flake-crusted stocking cap.
I had a moment on Lyndale Saturday night, waiting for Joel and Dave to catch up so we could all find the warmth of the next pub together, where I was able to pause.
Lyndale was quiet for a Saturday night -- or anytime, really -- with the blanket of heavy snow and reduced traffic. It wasn't cold, but definitely winter, and intensely beautiful. It was heavenly to take in the city street lights, the dark fronts of galleries and apartments and local businesses. Heavy snow has this slowing, calming, muting effect, and I realized, standing there, coated in late-winter-precipitation: I am infinitely proud of being the Minnesotan girl who pub-crawls Lyndale during a blizzard, and doesn't really think twice about it. Nothing about my city scares me; it only presents interesting challenges and new adventures. And I really wouldn't want to be anywhere else, right now. La.
We ended the night with a Chicago dog and a gorgeous Belgian brew at the Bulldog.
Sunday: Brunch at Hell's Kitchen is totally worth the wait. Their Bloody Mary alone is worth heading downtown for... when else do you have an excuse to eat a delightfully seasoned shrimp, pepperocini, grape tomato, and olive for breakfast? The entire meal was amazing... baguette french toast, their porridge (I'd eat it every morning, if I could), the lacquered bacon (uh, bacon covered in cinnamon? YES!), the huevos rancheros. Awesome. It was one of those perfect moments when everything comes together.
Amazing find at Crate and Barrel... ceramic "to go" containers. Oven, microwave, dishwasher safe. One came with me for lunch today, carrying aforementioned potpie goodness. Best investment of the weekend.
We also made chocolate chip cookies, so much turkey spaetzle soup, I'm going to be feeding it to everyone I know until I retire, and a semi-failed attempt at fudge cupcakes. They turned out more like muffins. Meh. Oh -- and I reorganized the pantry, which always feels wonderful.
I was exhausted when I got up this morning. I'm more tired now that I have written it all down.
Here's to being a robust Minnesotan, and not letting a little snow slow down a stellar weekend.
pub crawl,
I tried to remember, but I said what's a flower?
...and then the snow came
we were always out shoveling
and we dropped to sleep exhausted
and we'd wake up
and it's snowing...
(Dar Williams, February, from Mortal City)
The whole city seems braced today. It's gray and windy, and depending on who you listen to, there are 8-18 inches of snow on the way. We are Minnesotans and should be able to handle this; however, we have been spoiled with little snowfall and mild temperatures and have lost our semi-arctic robustness. St. Thomas is all prepared to call off my class tomorrow; people are raiding grocery stores (we live in a large city with expensive plows and a backstock of road salt, people. this too shall pass), canceling parties, going home early, catching planes to California. OK, maybe that was just one coworker, and maybe it was a vacation he's had planned for a while.
Meanwhile, I embrace the thought of snow, in my silly Minnesotan way, the way I embrace the thought of a challenging assignment or an uphill climb on the Schwinn (though I won't be doing any uphill climbs on said Schwinn in 18 inches of white stuff). It's a good excuse to bundle in, make use of Netflix and the TV Torrents I haven't watched. It's a great reason to explore my spaetzle-making skill, for turkey-spaetzle soup. A spectacular excuse to bake bread, cookies, possibly brownies. And snuggle under big blankets. And sleep in. And drink warm cider laced with Jameson.
Bring it, old man Winter.
we were always out shoveling
and we dropped to sleep exhausted
and we'd wake up
and it's snowing...
(Dar Williams, February, from Mortal City)
The whole city seems braced today. It's gray and windy, and depending on who you listen to, there are 8-18 inches of snow on the way. We are Minnesotans and should be able to handle this; however, we have been spoiled with little snowfall and mild temperatures and have lost our semi-arctic robustness. St. Thomas is all prepared to call off my class tomorrow; people are raiding grocery stores (we live in a large city with expensive plows and a backstock of road salt, people. this too shall pass), canceling parties, going home early, catching planes to California. OK, maybe that was just one coworker, and maybe it was a vacation he's had planned for a while.
Meanwhile, I embrace the thought of snow, in my silly Minnesotan way, the way I embrace the thought of a challenging assignment or an uphill climb on the Schwinn (though I won't be doing any uphill climbs on said Schwinn in 18 inches of white stuff). It's a good excuse to bundle in, make use of Netflix and the TV Torrents I haven't watched. It's a great reason to explore my spaetzle-making skill, for turkey-spaetzle soup. A spectacular excuse to bake bread, cookies, possibly brownies. And snuggle under big blankets. And sleep in. And drink warm cider laced with Jameson.
Bring it, old man Winter.
this is fact not fiction, for the first time in years
Today's song-of-the morning:
A Lack of Color, Death Cab for Cutie - from Transatlanticism
I had a lovely Ash Wedneday: a joggy-walk around Calhoun (yes, 3 times around the lakes in as many days!), a shiny new check card in the mail. Yah, it's the little things that excite me. Frantic snacking on havarti and dill pickles (vigorous exercise will do this to a girl), a perfect Ash Wednesday homily, all neatly wrapped up in fish and chip at the Local, malt vinegar and all.
Today, I am exhausted. I have shin splints. My butt is begging for a day off (done. I am in better shape than I was last spring, but I don't want to push it too far).
I am looking quite forward to some down time tonight: I'll be fitting the mock-up wedding dress on Diana, dining with friends, doing some sewing and getting into the 3rd season of Buffy. After good TV Thursday is done, probably. My house is semi-clean, there isn't too much laundry to be done, and I'm caught up on schoolwork.
The weekend looks nice; busy, but not frenetic. Fakebook tomorrow night at the Fitz (squee!), class all day Saturday, out on the town to wish a friend farewell Saturday night, chill time Sunday.
I have something going on every weekend from now til June 8th -10th. I don't know if I like this, or if it frightens me. Probably a little of both. By June 8th, I will have turned in my notice on my lease and will have hopefully started looking for a place to land in late July.
All this culminated for me in a rather lovely moment over dinner and french fries last night (is that a speaker? and my tartar sauce disappeared...):
I am exactly where I want to be in life.
Ah. Contentment.
A Lack of Color, Death Cab for Cutie - from Transatlanticism
I had a lovely Ash Wedneday: a joggy-walk around Calhoun (yes, 3 times around the lakes in as many days!), a shiny new check card in the mail. Yah, it's the little things that excite me. Frantic snacking on havarti and dill pickles (vigorous exercise will do this to a girl), a perfect Ash Wednesday homily, all neatly wrapped up in fish and chip at the Local, malt vinegar and all.
Today, I am exhausted. I have shin splints. My butt is begging for a day off (done. I am in better shape than I was last spring, but I don't want to push it too far).
I am looking quite forward to some down time tonight: I'll be fitting the mock-up wedding dress on Diana, dining with friends, doing some sewing and getting into the 3rd season of Buffy. After good TV Thursday is done, probably. My house is semi-clean, there isn't too much laundry to be done, and I'm caught up on schoolwork.
The weekend looks nice; busy, but not frenetic. Fakebook tomorrow night at the Fitz (squee!), class all day Saturday, out on the town to wish a friend farewell Saturday night, chill time Sunday.
I have something going on every weekend from now til June 8th -10th. I don't know if I like this, or if it frightens me. Probably a little of both. By June 8th, I will have turned in my notice on my lease and will have hopefully started looking for a place to land in late July.
All this culminated for me in a rather lovely moment over dinner and french fries last night (is that a speaker? and my tartar sauce disappeared...):
I am exactly where I want to be in life.
Ah. Contentment.
things I sometimes forget
- You can put your mail in those blue mailboxes on the street. And they are all over downtown.
- I can buy First Ave tickets at Shinders over my lunch.
- Scrambled eggs are almost always improved with a little salsa and cheese.
- Not everyone knows the definition of "indie hipster music".
- Even though I am open to change and find myself to be an adaptable person, there are other people who, no matter what life throws at them, just won't budge.
- Those people are not my problem.
- ATMs will sell you stamps in a pinch.
- You can take the early bus.
- Shin splints sometimes develop way later than you expect them to.
- It's harder to give up meat during Lent than I remember it. The bacon looked so delicious this morning.
- I am really good at spelling (unless I am just typing really fast).
- There's plenty of time for just about everything I want to accomplish in life.
- I love running.
- One man's trash is another man's treasure.
- The best way to get through a stint of writer's block is to let myself daydream a bit.
today's lesson from iPod's shuffle songs feature:
The way Craig Finn sings/says the word incredible is delicious. It doesn't really matter if it's Lifter Puller or the Hold Steady... he has a completely unique was of using the word incredible in song and verse. It's almost a plea... longing and humble, warm and just hinting at something that isn't quite desperation, but has passion and cynicism all entangled in themselves behind it.
OK, I know I'm a freak for putting that much thought into how one person uses one word.
The way Craig Finn sings/says the word incredible is delicious. It doesn't really matter if it's Lifter Puller or the Hold Steady... he has a completely unique was of using the word incredible in song and verse. It's almost a plea... longing and humble, warm and just hinting at something that isn't quite desperation, but has passion and cynicism all entangled in themselves behind it.
OK, I know I'm a freak for putting that much thought into how one person uses one word.
other randomness
the song-of-the-morning:
Brick - Ben Folds
Things that make me happy:
Brick - Ben Folds
Things that make me happy:
- Pictures of the people I love on my desk
- Quality family time at my cousin's wedding
- Anticipating quilting and beermaking weekend
- Frantic sewing
- Successfully completing a to-do list
- A MBTI type I finally feel at home with
- Free coffee
- 80% off sales on cute shirts
- eMusic downloads (I'm currently obsessing over Magnus, Minus the Bear and Mason Proper)
- Hour-long girly, gossip conversations while procrastinating on the next to-do list
- Bolthouse Farms mocha cappucino protien shake thingy
- Prospects of brunchy bloody-marys
- Planning summer roadtrips
- Successful toilet training, bedtime prayers, and two-way communication with a preschooler
- The makeup my sister got me for Christmas
- Pad thai leftovers
- Public transit
you give me fever
*note to readers* - my apologies for being a bad blogger. Getting up to speed at a new job will do this to a girl. I resolve to post more regularly now that things are settling down. Promise.
Yesterday, Minneapolis topped out in the low 40s. We went from ice box to defrost in less than 24 hours, and I was totally digging it. I walked across downtown -- outside -- for lunch yesterday. It was gorgeous, even if I had to trample through crusty, dirty mounds of icy snow pack to get there. The air smelled warm. If you are a native Northerner, you'll understand what I mean. If not, take my word for it: spring air smells different. There's something biting and stale in winter air, cold, clinical, sterile. As the air warms up, life starts to seep into it, and trickles into my lungs again: it's like the world around me collectively exhales.
We ran around Lake Harriet after work yesterday. It was gorgeous; the wind was mild, the path was (relatively) clear, and everyone we passed smiled as we went by. Maybe it was the nonstop 3-year-old motormouth in the stroller, but I would like to think it was a shared bond of being a hearty Minnesotan who braves 35-degree sunsets in order to get the first outdoor run of the year in on February 19th. I imagine being able to see through people on days like yesterday, into their lungs, which are pink with blood and inflated with cool air, and almost radiant with the joy of being outside once again. I was reminded last night why I love my big little town, why Minneapolis renews her siren-call to me every spring, why I stay. It's so beautiful, and I get the people here. I know I could live anywhere, but Minneapolis is just... home.
Oh yah. Spring fever, in the worst kind of way. Thankfully, it's meant to be in the 40s for much of this week. I'm ignoring the snowstorm they mentioned on the news last night. If I didn't pay attention, it won't happen. Right?
Wait. Minneapolis, in March. A whole month's worth of snow yet. Hrm.
Additional signs of spring:
Yesterday, Minneapolis topped out in the low 40s. We went from ice box to defrost in less than 24 hours, and I was totally digging it. I walked across downtown -- outside -- for lunch yesterday. It was gorgeous, even if I had to trample through crusty, dirty mounds of icy snow pack to get there. The air smelled warm. If you are a native Northerner, you'll understand what I mean. If not, take my word for it: spring air smells different. There's something biting and stale in winter air, cold, clinical, sterile. As the air warms up, life starts to seep into it, and trickles into my lungs again: it's like the world around me collectively exhales.
We ran around Lake Harriet after work yesterday. It was gorgeous; the wind was mild, the path was (relatively) clear, and everyone we passed smiled as we went by. Maybe it was the nonstop 3-year-old motormouth in the stroller, but I would like to think it was a shared bond of being a hearty Minnesotan who braves 35-degree sunsets in order to get the first outdoor run of the year in on February 19th. I imagine being able to see through people on days like yesterday, into their lungs, which are pink with blood and inflated with cool air, and almost radiant with the joy of being outside once again. I was reminded last night why I love my big little town, why Minneapolis renews her siren-call to me every spring, why I stay. It's so beautiful, and I get the people here. I know I could live anywhere, but Minneapolis is just... home.
Oh yah. Spring fever, in the worst kind of way. Thankfully, it's meant to be in the 40s for much of this week. I'm ignoring the snowstorm they mentioned on the news last night. If I didn't pay attention, it won't happen. Right?
Wait. Minneapolis, in March. A whole month's worth of snow yet. Hrm.
Additional signs of spring:
- I ordered all the seeds for the garden Sunday. They should be here in a week or so. The planting begins March 19th!
- Pitchers and catchers reported yesterday. Randy Shaver reported in shorts from Florida last night. He always sounds so damned exhausted when he reports on-site; he makes me feel like I should go to spring training and report for him; I'd be all kinds of enthusiastic, no matter how hard I worked during the day. It's warm! It's baseball!
- Paige and I had a rousing conversation yesterday about going to the Twins home opener (squee -- I cannot wait!). She's stoked about getting to eat hot dogs, snack on popcorn, and scream her little lungs out. Now, I need to help her memorize the line up...
- It's light when I get to work. It's light when I get home. (side note: I'm a little concerned about how this new daylight-savings-time thing is going to work. Not for all the computer problems it will cause -- I lived through Y2K using technology -- but simply for the circadian rhythm adjustment. The spring forward is always difficult for me; I am a little anxious about extending it for almost 2 months.)
non sequitur
* I'm listening to Ted Leo this morning. It makes me realize I am so excited for that show this spring... not, ohmigod the Hold Steady are coming, excited... but, you know what? Pretty bloody stoked.
* I'm getting runner's itch. Wait, that sounds like a medical problem. What I mean is that I'm tired of winter... and I stare at my desktop screensaver all day long, which happens to be a shot of a lush, green, warm June afternoon overlooking Calhoun into downtown. I'm beginning to long for warmer, longer, sunshiny days. It makes me want to run. I remember around this time last year, I injured myself running and slipping on ice. I'm feeling like I am about ready to take that risk again, just because I am antsy.
*Oh! I started using Google reader, with which I can just share blog entries I like (instead of blogging about them all.) Check the left-hand column, if you are interested in what I think is cool. Maybe I'm a tad presumptuous to think anyone else thinks my opinion counts. Meh.
* I got all art-y last night after Paige went to bed... played with paper, scissors and glue, drank Premium, finished the second season of Buffy. Almost called Jana at midnight to lament the woes of Buffy Summers. Reigned myself in and managed to just curl up in bed instead.
* I spent 50 hours (give or take the time I was asleep) doing trivia in St. Cloud this weekend. I have heard rumors of said braintastic exhibition for years but never knew who I could join up with to participate. It was fun, in the way a marathon is fun, in the way beating a deadline at work is fun. I was glad to sleep in my own bed. Thank heavens I normally wrack my body with caffeine, because I would otherwise I am afraid I would still be coming down from it all.
* Paige is truly turning into a kid, and it's awesome. I had a moment of pause this weekend, as we all welcomed Sanne Nordlund into the world... it made me a bit nostalgic for tiny-baby Paige. But last night, I realized how fun it is to just be on this journey with her... to watch as she started from that little tiny sprout-person, devoid of personality (for the most part; I know my child was stubborn even before she was born), coded with her features which had yet to develop. And look at her now ... still being sassy, fully communicative, adoring animals, insatiably curious, intensely sensitive to others around her. She is part me, and part others, and part just Paige and it's mind-blowing. I love being able to be the woman who watches her tackle life's challenges, and helps her, when asked to. I love being the woman she turns to when she is sad. I adore (and fear, ever so slightly) being her role model. I am honored to be the person she aims to please (her latest thing: does that make you happy?) Paige, your just being Paige makes me happy. I am thrilled for Barbara and Nathan to start their parenting journey; babies are amazing. Watching them grow into little people you get to know and love intimately... well, there aren't words for how life-altering that is.
* After I put the hem in the brown velvet dress, it'll be done. I'm quite proud of it. Then, on to the coat, which shouldn't be quite as intense. That's my to-do list for Thursday night. On the dockett for post-dress sewing: Paige's easter dress. Diana's wedding dress. Curtains for Dave. Quilting. The Booze Tote. Something for Becca's birthday. The fun never ends.
* I haven't said so lately, but I am richly blessed with people who love me. I am delighted, and humbled, to count my friends and my family members who support and love me, who encourage me when sad, who laugh with me in joy. Thank you, all.
* My sock-knitting has turned out acceptable, after all (there were some rocky patches as I learned to knit with four needles). Only problem: my first sock has a reservoir tip. Drat. Well, so be it. It looks fine on my foot (what does that say about my toes, anyway?)
* There was a fit of organization and cleaning at the House of Solidudes yesterday, on my day off. I don't know why cleaning, purging, and organizing energizes me, but it totally does. I wonder if anyone has used that as a treatment for mild depression. I mean, it works for me, anyhow. That and the feeling of, hey look, I am an adept, intelligent, superior being, that comes from successfully assembling IKEA furniture. Whee!
* Which gets me to thinking: I should purge and organize, and do some spring cleaning. Perhaps in April, when I am able to throw the sashes up and let some warm breeze in again.
* On the dessert menu tomorrow night: molten chocolate cakes with nutella mousse and raspberries. As much as I dislike Valentine's Day, I'll use any excuse to bake. (thanks to Barbara for the recipe ... she's the queen.)
* I'm getting runner's itch. Wait, that sounds like a medical problem. What I mean is that I'm tired of winter... and I stare at my desktop screensaver all day long, which happens to be a shot of a lush, green, warm June afternoon overlooking Calhoun into downtown. I'm beginning to long for warmer, longer, sunshiny days. It makes me want to run. I remember around this time last year, I injured myself running and slipping on ice. I'm feeling like I am about ready to take that risk again, just because I am antsy.
*Oh! I started using Google reader, with which I can just share blog entries I like (instead of blogging about them all.) Check the left-hand column, if you are interested in what I think is cool. Maybe I'm a tad presumptuous to think anyone else thinks my opinion counts. Meh.
* I got all art-y last night after Paige went to bed... played with paper, scissors and glue, drank Premium, finished the second season of Buffy. Almost called Jana at midnight to lament the woes of Buffy Summers. Reigned myself in and managed to just curl up in bed instead.
* I spent 50 hours (give or take the time I was asleep) doing trivia in St. Cloud this weekend. I have heard rumors of said braintastic exhibition for years but never knew who I could join up with to participate. It was fun, in the way a marathon is fun, in the way beating a deadline at work is fun. I was glad to sleep in my own bed. Thank heavens I normally wrack my body with caffeine, because I would otherwise I am afraid I would still be coming down from it all.
* Paige is truly turning into a kid, and it's awesome. I had a moment of pause this weekend, as we all welcomed Sanne Nordlund into the world... it made me a bit nostalgic for tiny-baby Paige. But last night, I realized how fun it is to just be on this journey with her... to watch as she started from that little tiny sprout-person, devoid of personality (for the most part; I know my child was stubborn even before she was born), coded with her features which had yet to develop. And look at her now ... still being sassy, fully communicative, adoring animals, insatiably curious, intensely sensitive to others around her. She is part me, and part others, and part just Paige and it's mind-blowing. I love being able to be the woman who watches her tackle life's challenges, and helps her, when asked to. I love being the woman she turns to when she is sad. I adore (and fear, ever so slightly) being her role model. I am honored to be the person she aims to please (her latest thing: does that make you happy?) Paige, your just being Paige makes me happy. I am thrilled for Barbara and Nathan to start their parenting journey; babies are amazing. Watching them grow into little people you get to know and love intimately... well, there aren't words for how life-altering that is.
* After I put the hem in the brown velvet dress, it'll be done. I'm quite proud of it. Then, on to the coat, which shouldn't be quite as intense. That's my to-do list for Thursday night. On the dockett for post-dress sewing: Paige's easter dress. Diana's wedding dress. Curtains for Dave. Quilting. The Booze Tote. Something for Becca's birthday. The fun never ends.
* I haven't said so lately, but I am richly blessed with people who love me. I am delighted, and humbled, to count my friends and my family members who support and love me, who encourage me when sad, who laugh with me in joy. Thank you, all.
* My sock-knitting has turned out acceptable, after all (there were some rocky patches as I learned to knit with four needles). Only problem: my first sock has a reservoir tip. Drat. Well, so be it. It looks fine on my foot (what does that say about my toes, anyway?)
* There was a fit of organization and cleaning at the House of Solidudes yesterday, on my day off. I don't know why cleaning, purging, and organizing energizes me, but it totally does. I wonder if anyone has used that as a treatment for mild depression. I mean, it works for me, anyhow. That and the feeling of, hey look, I am an adept, intelligent, superior being, that comes from successfully assembling IKEA furniture. Whee!
* Which gets me to thinking: I should purge and organize, and do some spring cleaning. Perhaps in April, when I am able to throw the sashes up and let some warm breeze in again.
* On the dessert menu tomorrow night: molten chocolate cakes with nutella mousse and raspberries. As much as I dislike Valentine's Day, I'll use any excuse to bake. (thanks to Barbara for the recipe ... she's the queen.)
02/07/2007: In celebration and memorial

I have posted this once before (hurray, despair!)
But I wanted to memorialize February 7th, 2007, in all its glory, with a reprise.
Buh-bye, dysfunction. Can't say it's been nice knowing you, but I'm glad I've grown enough to be able to laugh at you.
A February Thursday deserves some written thoughts
It's time for me to declutter a week's worth of brain input and shift this writer's gears a bit.
(warning: this post may be random and hap-hazard.)
(warning: this post may be random and hap-hazard.)
- I have named my stapler. Norman. This means I'm officially feeling cozy at the new gig. (The stapler brand name is Bates. You figure out the obvious pun, intended.)
- I begin to wane impatient for a few things this afternoon: 4Pm, a photo of Jana's new haircut, a tiny Nordlund to hurry up and get born, spring, the weekend.
- I have listened to the Tokyo Police Club EP Mojo burned for me. It's grand. And relistened to Rabbit Fur Coat (thank you, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins), which is also making me happy this afternoon.
- By the way, the Current's Song of the Day podcast TKOs eMusic's free songs and blows iTunes Discovery downloads out of the water. One more reason to contribute to public radio.
- One potentially less reason: Mary Lucia has insisted on playing Norah Jones in the afternoons as of late. Mary, I love you. I worship the Current. Please, don't make a hater out of me. The Twin Cities has a place to hear Norah Jones. We don't need another adult-contemporary station around. Return to the quirkiness, save my afternoon sanity. Please. I was just getting my pre-schooler into Brother Ali.
- The Rod Stewart curse continues: yesterday morning, I woke up to one of his songs in my head. The humanity.
she lives!
I would like the world to know I skipped the (much-needed) gym tonight because my life has been out.of.control. this week.
1) I got a raging cold on Friday night/Saturday.
2) I had dinner plans Friday night. and Saturday night.
3) I had my first spring semester class all day Saturday.
4) Oh, and did I mention I started a new job Monday?
5) And that my contacts malfunctioned Monday morning (when I ventured downtown to work for the first time in nearly 5 years) to the point I had to run home during orientation lunch?
6) Let's not even talk about what time of the month it is.
7) or about the pile of mail I need to go through, the 2-week stack of laundry, the growing mound of dishes and the garbage that needs to go out.
Gah. I have barely been able to check email, much less blog about anything.
The weekend (sans cold) was awesome... I'm excited for this last class, excited about my friends and my ability to easily create killer cheesecake.
I'm also excited about the new gig - it's good to have real work to do.
I am on the mend now... a load of laundry in, garbage and clutter policed, car de-boxed (yes, it took nearly a week for me to bring my work boxes from Carlson in), mail at least opened (though, God knows, not yet filed), nose decongested. And I'm wearing jeans and listening to the Replacements and generally taking about 8 minutes for myself this afternoon before I go back on warp drive. Whee.
1) I got a raging cold on Friday night/Saturday.
2) I had dinner plans Friday night. and Saturday night.
3) I had my first spring semester class all day Saturday.
4) Oh, and did I mention I started a new job Monday?
5) And that my contacts malfunctioned Monday morning (when I ventured downtown to work for the first time in nearly 5 years) to the point I had to run home during orientation lunch?
6) Let's not even talk about what time of the month it is.
7) or about the pile of mail I need to go through, the 2-week stack of laundry, the growing mound of dishes and the garbage that needs to go out.
Gah. I have barely been able to check email, much less blog about anything.
The weekend (sans cold) was awesome... I'm excited for this last class, excited about my friends and my ability to easily create killer cheesecake.
I'm also excited about the new gig - it's good to have real work to do.
I am on the mend now... a load of laundry in, garbage and clutter policed, car de-boxed (yes, it took nearly a week for me to bring my work boxes from Carlson in), mail at least opened (though, God knows, not yet filed), nose decongested. And I'm wearing jeans and listening to the Replacements and generally taking about 8 minutes for myself this afternoon before I go back on warp drive. Whee.
I have always loved a chapter book.
Around lunchtime today, I packed 6 (!) boxes full of books, resources, quadrille pads and extra-fine Sharpies into my trunk and back seat. I unplugged my laptop, turned in my badge, and walked out of another chapter of my life.
A little over a year ago, I thought I would stay with Carlson Custom Learning for the better portion of the next decade or so. Sometimes, things don't turn out the way you anticipate. But as I learn and grow in this life, I realize sometimes, the unexpected twists in the chapter book I'm living are what make the story interesting. Yah, it's painful, and sometimes scary, and always at least a little unpredictable. But at least the story keeps moving.
I start writing the next chapter immediately: starting my final class on Saturday, taking the bus to a new job downtown Monday. I realized this afternoon that the change is complete: almost nothing is as it was a year ago. And I like it that way. I am extraordinarily happy. My hairdresser mentioned to me this week, that she was delighted to be getting to know the real Sarah, the Sarah that hid under something she couldn't quite pinpoint, after 6 years.
You know what? I'm delighted to be here.
A little over a year ago, I thought I would stay with Carlson Custom Learning for the better portion of the next decade or so. Sometimes, things don't turn out the way you anticipate. But as I learn and grow in this life, I realize sometimes, the unexpected twists in the chapter book I'm living are what make the story interesting. Yah, it's painful, and sometimes scary, and always at least a little unpredictable. But at least the story keeps moving.
I start writing the next chapter immediately: starting my final class on Saturday, taking the bus to a new job downtown Monday. I realized this afternoon that the change is complete: almost nothing is as it was a year ago. And I like it that way. I am extraordinarily happy. My hairdresser mentioned to me this week, that she was delighted to be getting to know the real Sarah, the Sarah that hid under something she couldn't quite pinpoint, after 6 years.
You know what? I'm delighted to be here.
brown velvet: chapter 3
So this is where we landed today. The baggy darts and waist have been rectified... but I'm still not happy with the neckline. Working on it, though... I'm thinking there's som ruching in this dress's future.
I am particularly fond of the brown/robins egg blue combination. I made the necklace as well.
Now she gets to rest for a day or two while the bias stretches. Then it will be on to zipper insertion and hemming. And did I mention fixing the neckline? This girls' bust would never have made it in the 1950s.
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